China Connection


Some Plants

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Find these trees in the Arboretum.


Kousa Dogwood in bloom


Many plants from western North America are similar to those in eastern Asia—China, Japan, and Korea. In some cases, the plants are identical, as with wild ginger. In others—for instance, magnolias and dogwoods—they are closely related. These similarities probably resulted from plants migrating over land bridges between Asia and North America. Such migrations are believed to have taken place on five different occasions. At one time, these plants were widely distributed in the northern temperate zone; they became separated (disjunction) when the land bridges disappeared. Here are some examples of what might be called the ‘China Connection.’


Bald Cypress Dawn Redwood

Allegheny Spurge Pachysandra

Common Dogwood Kousa Dogwood

Witch Hazel Chinese Witch Hazel

Virginia Creeper Japanese Ivy

Magnolia Asian Magnolia

Spicebush Asian Spicebush

Sassafras Asian Sassafras

