Mount Washington Apiary


Pollenating flowers

Honey Bee gathering pollen from flower

Bees gather pollen from trees and plants.

Bees on honeycomb

More Apiary Information

Beekeepers have raised honey bees for centuries. Our apiary carries on that tradition.

Did you know that honey bees pollinate one third of the world’s crops and cross pollinate billions of plants to sustain the plants’ life cycle?

Honey bees live in hives with up to 60,000 bees. The hive consists of a queen, worker bees, and drones. The queen runs the hive, lays eggs, and produces chemicals that control the behavior of the other bees. The worker bees, all female, forage for food, gather pollen, protect and clean the hive, and produce the honey. The drones, all male, mate with the queen.

Over the past 15 years hives have been dying worldwide. The reasons for this epidemic are not fully understood.

Please do not disturb our bees.


Linking your bees best:

Check back here for bee-events.