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<h2>Mount Washington Preservation Trust</h2>
<p class="Body">The Mt. Washington Preservation Trust was organized in 1989 by a group of residents who were concerned about maintaining the unique sylvan quality of our urban community. Mt. Washington’s uncrowded, quiet character is the result of the neighborhood’s many spacious lots of undeveloped private land. The Trust seeks to encourage their owners to maintain them as green spaces.</p>
<p class="Body">In addition, Mt. Washington has many parcels of public land: wide street islands, undeveloped roadside greenways and intersection triangles that provide a rich opportunity to enhance the visual appeal of the neighborhood.</p>
<p class="Body">Consequently, the goals of the Mt. Washington Preservation Trust are to maintain existing green spaces and beautify public land. The Trust administers programs to carry out these goals:</p>
<li><a href="/community-gardening/">Gardening</a></li>
<li><a href="http://mwpt.squarespace.com/conservation-easements/">Conservation Easements</a></li>
<p class="Body">Through these programs, the Trust has planted and maintained over 40 public gardens in Mt. Washington since its inception in August 1989 and it does so with the largest volunteer effort of its kind in the greater Baltimore area. Additionally, the Trust holds conservation easements over more than 25 acres that will remain as undeveloped land in perpetuity. </p>
<p class="Body"> <strong>Come volunteer with us on a Sunday! See our <a href="http://mwpt.squarespace.com/volunteer/">Volunteer Page</a> for more information.</strong></p>
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